Organic Coconut Palm Sugar


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Title: 16 oz. bag
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Perfect for baking luscious brownies, cookies and cakes, Wholesome Organic Coconut Palm Sugar is a rich, unrefined brown sugar that makes an ideal substitute for conventional brown and white sugar. Beyond baking, it's an excellent choice for sweetening your preferred coffee, preparing sauces and perfecting your favorite Asian dishes, all thanks to its rich molasses taste and caramel overtones.

Made with Care
Contrary to its name, this sugar doesn't actually come from a coconut, nor does it remotely taste like coconut. The brown sugar's rich caramel flavor is produced by tapping the sweet nectar from the tropical coconut palm tree flower (a process that's similar to how maple trees are tapped for maple syrup production).   The nutrient-rich juice is dried in a large open kettle drum and condensed into a delicious whole brown sugar. A natural sugar substitute for baking, this organic product will add depths of flavor to all your favorite recipes.

  • Gluten Free icon
  • Verified by the Non GMO Project icon
  • USDA Organic icon
  • Naturally Vegan icon

Nutrition Facts


Organic Coconut Palm Sugar

Conversion Chart

Conversion Chart - one cup equals one cup
Organic Coconut Palm Sugar
Refined Sugar Or Light Brown Sugar

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